The Hook that Causes A Nice Gal to Choose The Unavailable Man
Have you ever wondered why you attract emotionally unavailable, flawed, needy, insecure or broken men?Being nice is the source of your attraction. The reason you behave too nice isn’t your fault. In fact, it likely feels natural to be nice; a part of your identity and personality. The same holds true for the kind of men you feel attracted to – you can’t help it- right?
What if I said you could, over time, re-wire your attraction?
At the very least, you can override it to choose a match that meets your needs versus triggers replays of past hurts and patterns.
Well, get excited, because resetting your default attraction pattern makes all the difference in dating and relationship.
It’s the difference between whether or not you feel …
- Heartbroken or fulfilled
- Betrayed or cherished
- Single or committed
- Esteemed and empowered or held back, stifled and stuck.
- Frustrated or content
You have the power to re-wire your Nice Gal default mode to a more psychologically fulfilling way of being and relating. Guaranteeing you get the cherishing, ease, joy and happiness you desire.
Take Keri for example.
*Keri, a social worker, has a strong attraction to men who need her comfort and encouragement. She went on a date with Frank, who revealed early on his issues with money, plus a lack of direction and purpose. Naturally nurturing Keri protected his feelings and paid her way. Soon she was paying for all their dates. Her Nice Gal pattern was to attract a man in need of support and convince herself – she was enough for both of them.
Keri would get hooked into caretaking a needy, dependent man while putting her needs and desires last. She would imagine that with a little help and attention, the man she liked would become something special: someone who could eventually love and support her in return.
Overtime, Frank’s dependency demands increased, and Keri’s patience started to run out. The ending left her feeling disappointed, angry, and drained. She’d finally sais enough is enough and regretfully let go. Now she was left wondering how she fell into the trap of trying so hard to make the relationship work.
Keri came to me because she was exhausted and although she couldn’t imagine feeling confident and strong enough to date again – she vowed to stop putting her needs last.
Keri transformed her pattern by following the first ‘No More Nice Gal’ Principle: ‘put your happiness and well-being first’.
Keri acknowledged she felt more herself playing out the familiar caretaking role. The big a-ha occurred when she understood her attraction was based on matching patterns, not true compatibility. Instead of hooking into a relationship role as caregiver, she began looking for a mutual connection.
This simple shift of no longer dating your pattern frees you to choose differently. Uprooting the unconscious drive that causes you to attract, date and fall in love with Mr. Wrong, means you become empowered to choose Mr. Right.
My step-by-step, proven No More Nice Gal Love-Worthy Process ensures you find love easily and heartache free. No challenge needed.
One of my favorite success stories is Anita, who was escaping an abusive relationship and starting all over with nothing in a new city as a single mom when we met. Her transformation included establishing a support system, finding her dream job, and dating in a healthy way. She took the time to heal and truly understand how she ended up in an abusive relationship. In the two years that followed, Anita landed her dream job and attracted her perfect guy. Now happily married for three years, they’ve just welcomed a new baby into their lovely family. I can’t help but smile every time I see their family photos on Facebook.
I want your success story to smile at too.
Find out more about how Nice Gal Rehab can change your love destiny for the better.
*Out of respect for my client’s privacy, Keri is a composite character of a few different clients who share the same nice gal type and pattern. Anita’s name has been changed to protect her identity.