Nice Gals have been wwwaaaaaayyy too accommodating and pleasing towards men who play games, suddenly lose interest or lack of commitment.The truth is none of these men were worth your time or loving ways.
It’s never your fault if he behaves like a jerk, can’t make up his mind, or doesn’t know how to have an honest, adult conversation about what he really wants, but here’s where Nice Gals go wrong.
- NG’s go all in before he’s earned it.
- We convince ourselves he’s the one before he’s earned it – trying to turn a hapless frog into a prince.
- We audition for love and try to impress him (eeh hum – it’s supposed to be the other way around).
- We seek his approval and aim to please, instead of focusing on being pleased in his company.
- We put him on a pedestal which leads to him thinking better of himself and less than about us.
- We give him what he wants (forgetting about what we want and burying our own needs).
- We hand over all the power and let him call the shots.
- We complain but don’t immediately take action when he acts like a jerk or treats us less than.
Every action communicates HOW VALUABLE he thinks you are.
Unwittingly, Nice Gals devalue themselves all the time, in subtle and obvious ways. Men see this and respond accordingly.
It’s not on purpose, just a misguided urge to help, support, and wow him.
Stopping Nice Gal dating mistakes means pumping the brakes and remembering the painful past that never got us the guy.
When a NICE GAL changes her ways, the men around her act differently.
Since players and assholes don’t discriminate and hit on everyone, if he’s a jerk, becoming a worthy and confident woman means you aren’t around long enough to be on the receiving end of his BS.
Everything you tolerate now at 1% or 5% will escalate to 50% and beyond. A subtle put down disguised as a joke on date #2 without consequence may turn into a verbal onslaught a few months later.
If he’s a nice guy, a swift and clear action that says, no-effing-way, will set him straight (quick). He might complain a bit, but he’ll tow the line once he’s invested some feelings and is starting to care.
No man should ever be able to play you, take you for granted or treat you a little less than you deserve.
As a love and dating coach, I’m on a mission to end the betrayal, misuse, abuse, and heartbreak of every nice woman.
Instead of auditioning for his love, wondering where you stand, and waiting for a commitment, I’m going to empower you to act in a way that attracts good men who want to give you what you need and desire, freely. … Teaching you, HOW, to be your most confident and worthy self, so you inspire his admiration and excitement.
Don’t be tempted to buy into the false idea you need to be thinner, more accomplished, more stylish and so on to win him over. We’ve all seen a hot, successful guy with his arm around a woman who was average at best and wondered how did she get that guy!?
Appearance is only one part of what makes someone appealing and attractive (and it’s relative).
Try hard behaviours don’t work. Plus, they make you feel and come across as insecure, needy and desperate – everything you are not!!!
‘NO MORE NICE GAL’ isn’t about changing who you are and jumping through hoops to impress or please a man, and it isn’t about being a bitch or a princess either – because confident, high-value men don’t put up with that!
Self-worth, confidence, and aligning your actions with what you want and how you desire to be treated, communicates value and magnetically attracts good, kind, loving, generous and purposeful men.
Get clear right now about what you will forever from this day forward NO longer tolerate. It is the first step towards drawing to yourself everything you do want.