get my 5 Nice gal mistakes you must change to attract real, lasting love.

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Why Caring Less Helps You Find the One

Nice Gals worry too much.

We worry we’ll always be single and alone. We worry there are no good guys left. Then, once we meet someone we’re interested in, we worry if he likes us and if we’re good enough. We want him to be the one, to make things official, and marry us in time to have babies. All of this frantic worry just creates pressure.

Uncomfortable with uncertainty, Nice Gals try too hard. Wanting so badly to check off the relationship box they try to speed things up or control outcomes. Being chosen is equated with being worthy, lovable and good enough. Without this external validation and acceptance, they don’t know how to relax.

The missing anchor isn’t the love and commitment of a man, but TRUST.

Trust you’re enough and that a man will fall in love with you just for being yourself.

Trust your ability to live single without the pressure to find the one.

Trust your future self-has this goal sealed and you no longer need to over-give to secure love.

Trust takes away the pressure to have it all figured out. It kicks worry in the ass and dissolves any fears that might prevent you from opening to love.

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Instead of worrying if you’re running out of time, or if the next cute guy is the one, stopping caring.

[The timing isn’t up to you and if he’s the one you’ll know soon enough.]

Be open to men striking up a conversation, flirt if you want to, say thank you when you receive compliments, say yes to dates that excite you as they come, but there’s no time-pressured date on the calendar. Taking a leisurely stroll in the park will put you in front of more good, available men, then sprinting.

You’ll have fewer dates but they’ll be better quality. Because you’re not in a hurry- the F-word: ‘FUN’ will come back into dating and screening out men with red flags or low compatibility becomes easy.

Not caring releases the anxiety-ridden fear that normally permeates dating. Lowering the stakes gives you peace of mind making you more attractive and more likely to attract love.

Crossing off the self-imposed deadlines on love frees you to explore and enjoy life on your own terms without getting pulled into the drama of what others think.

No longer caring too much doesn’t mean you stop wanting big, real love. You just stop wanting it at the expense of your well-being or joy. Trust stops you from making a bad choice out of fear and settling. It empowers your self-worth, giving you a healthy and balanced desire for love. But most importantly, trust supports you to be at peace now, not waiting for a future-husband to bring you happiness.

Believe you’re loveable and worth the wait.

Maryjane, xxo

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